
學術英文 英文寫作 網站英文編修 英文編修師

Laurence 羅倫斯






"The finest English communication"編修師︰Laurence Farley(羅倫斯)在米德佳,透過以英語為母語人士的專業修改英文,提高您學術英文論文被發表的機會。Midgard increases your chances of publication with professional editing by a native speaker of English.

英文編修校對工時收費 English Editing Fee:
五工作天內:1.8 元/字或 900 元/小時 *
特急件一~二個工作天內:2.4 元/字或 1200 元/小時 *
  • 避免被多收。坊間有許多編修公司的價格用英文字數量來算修改英文,不管你英文文章寫作的能力,價格是一樣的。 Avoid being overcharged. Most editing prices are calculated by word quantity, and the price is the same no matter the quality of your English writing.


Writing clearly and correctly in formal English is essential to the professional image of many academics, scientists and businesses, and even tiny errors and inconsistencies in grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting can compromise that image. They can also prevent your work from being published or earning a passing grade, hindering the progress of your career. Professional proofreading of your writing will give you more confidence in the work that you submit for publication or examination or the documents that you share with your scholarly or professional colleagues. I will help you to put your ideas across clearly and effectively in perfect English by removing errors of grammar and spelling before you submit your journal article or book for publication or your dissertation or thesis for examination.


🔸 具備真正的雙語能力,英語為母語之外籍英國專業人士。Native English speaker fluent in Chinese.

🔸 擁有學術研究與論文發表所必備的專業知識及技能的學術,科學,和語言專家。An academic, scientific and language expert with the knowledge and know-how required in academic and scientific research and publishing.

🔸 持有碩士學位的專業人士。A professional with a Master's Degree.



  • 檢閱文法與拼法。Grammar and Spelling Check.

  • 增進字彙之清晰度及精確性。For clarity and accuracy of word choice.

  • 協助傳達您研究的創新度及重要性。To communicate the innovation and importance of your research.

  • 滿足您目標期刊的需求和/或投稿須知的規定。To the requirements and/or author’s guidelines of your intended journal.



  • 專業領域知識

  • 卓越的編修與寫作能力

  • 多年編修經驗

  • 英文潤稿及英語文件修改等服務


一旦收到您的校稿文件,我會用Microsoft Word進行字數統計(工具→字數統計 …)。

修改英文 計算價格的範例

您的英文論文總共約 5000 英文字。

如果要 10 小時來編修完成,米德佳用最優惠是 1.6 元/字 價格方式來算 = 5000 字 X 1.6 元/字 = 8000 元。

如果一樣的 5000 英文字的論文要 5 小時來編修完成,米德佳用最優惠是 900 元/小時價格方式來算 = 5 小時 X 900 元/小時 = 4500 元。

隱私條款 米德佳的價值 出版倫理 爲什麽選擇米德佳?

E-mail: editor@midgardediting.com

Phone: 0912067240






我使用Microsoft Word的追蹤修定功能校對和編輯您的文件。這是一個安裝在大多數版本Microsoft Word的標準功能。此

Your document is proofread using the ‘track changes’ function of Microsoft Word. This is a standard function installed in most versions of Microsoft Word.

當我完成校對和編輯您的文件,我將寄送兩個文件給您:一個是顯示更改(changes tracked)版本和一個編修過(proofread)的版本。

When I have finished proofreading, I will return two files to you: a “changes tracked" version and a “proofread" version of your document.

一個是顯示更改(changes tracked) 和一個編修過(proofread)的版本範例


The advantage of this method is that in the changes tracked version of your document you can easily move between the editing changes I have made. The proofread version is ready to print out and you do not have to type in all the changes yourself.


English Academic Editing

在將您的文稿提交至目標期刊之前,米德佳的專業修改英文 ,將能大幅提昇論文被期刊發表的機會。

Having Midgard edit your document prior to submission of your intended journal will dramatically increase the chances for publication.


  • 英文期刊論文 Academic papers

  • 英文文章 Documents

  • 英文摘要 Abstracts

  • 英文附信 Cover letters

  • 英文回函 Response letters

  • 英文書籍 Books

  • 會議海報與簡報 Conference posters and presentations

  • 畢業修改英文論文 Thesis

  • 英文研究論文 Thesis Research

  • 英文新聞稿 Press releases

  • 文宣手冊,新聞稿,聯絡信等行銷素材 Marketing materials such as brochures, press releases, contact letters

  • 商用校正英文 Business English

  • 英文網站內容 Website content



  • 欲編修的文件請以Word 檔寄送。如果有不需要修改的部分,也請事先刪除。 If there are sections in the word document you do not wish to be edited please delete them before e-mailing the file.

  • 字數計算,以Word「工具/字數統計/字數」為主。 English words are counted using Microsoft Word software: '工具(T)/字數統計(W) /字數'.

  • 每次專案,皆有基本專案管理費 900 NT$。 Each project has minimum project fee of 900 NT$.

  • 若需開立發票,將另加5%營業稅。 Midgard offers both duplicate uniform invoices and triplicate uniform invoices. However, an extra 5% in sales tax will be added to your total.

  • 如有需要編輯特別注意的地方,請在E-mail中說明。 Please include instructions in your e-mail if there are areas in your paper that require a specific style of editing.

  • 請如有 Reviewer's comments 請一起附上。 If you have Reviewer's comments, please attach them to your e-mail.





米德佳在您的 Word 文件中加註,當您閱讀這些註解時,便可清楚瞭解編修師修改之用意或建議。因此,註解可作為作者與編修師之間的溝通橋樑。
