



  • 大宗文件優惠

    • 10% 折扣- 單篇文件字數超過 30,000 字者,可享有 9折優惠。

    • 十萬預付優惠 

      • 一次預繳十萬元整並匯款至米德佳指定帳戶, 米德佳於帳款付清後提供優惠,每份文件皆享有原報價之9折優惠。


  • 介紹人推薦優惠-(舊客戶)

    • 舊客戶推薦每一位新客戶。每次您推薦的同事首次使用米德佳的英文論文編輯或翻譯服務,您將獲得價值 350 NT$ 的優惠券。此優惠券可用於米德佳的各項服務。推薦的同事越多,您獲得的優惠券也就越多。優惠券可累計。


  • 團體單位一次預繳十萬元整並匯款至米德佳指定帳戶, 米德佳於團體單位付清後提供優惠,每份文件皆享有原報價之9折優惠。


Individual Customers:

  • Discount for large cases

    • If you send Midgard a single case containing over 30,000 words/characters, you will receive a 10% discount for that particular article.

    • 100,000 NT$ prepayment promotion

      • If you wire/transfer a one-time prepayment of 100,000 NT$ to a Midgard specified account, you will receive a 10% discount for every paper or article completed using that specific sum.

N.B: Only one of the promotional offers described above can be used at a time, and the limit on discounts for any one paper is 10%.

  • Referral and recommendation discounts for existing clients

    • Each time you refer a colleague who submits a paper to Midgard, you will receive a 350 NT$ coupon that you can use for English editing or translation services. The more people you refer, the more coupons you can earn. Coupons can be combined.

Groups and Organizations:

  • Groups and organizations that wire a one-time prepayment of 100,000 NT$ to a Midgard specified account will receive a 10% discount for every paper or article completed using that sum.

N.B: Please contact Midgard for more details about the discount and reward programs.

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