Company Marketing Translation 便宜或免費翻譯有一個經常容易產生的問題,就是翻譯的用字都看似很正確,逐字翻譯下來都沒錯,但其實跟原本文章的意義完全不同了!
一個英國出生的翻譯師直接中翻英,而不是兩個人,以避免溝通錯誤。 Direct Chinese to English translation by one native English speaker, not two separate people, to avoid communication errors.
僅提供中翻英翻譯服務。透過專注於中翻英,我能提供該領域最佳品質的服務。I deal only in Chinese to English translation; by focusing on this area, I can offer the highest quality service.
最佳英文溝通 "The finest English communication"
專業中文翻譯服務及英文編輯服務,舉凡有關貴公司以及產品和市場行銷翻譯的所有中翻英文件都是米德佳的專業範圍。商品或服務若要成功打入英文語言市場,除了精準地翻譯出內容之外,還需用心於文字上的表現,才能傳達出商品服務之魅力。Professional Chinese to English translation and English editing services for all of your documents pertaining to your company, its products, and business development.
履歷表翻譯 Resumes
自傳翻譯 Autobiographies/Personal Statements
商業往來文件翻譯 Business correspondence
公司目錄及產品手冊翻譯 Company brochures and product manuals
廣告及市場行銷文稿翻譯 Advertising and marketing documents
業務簡報的文稿翻譯 Presentation scripts
新聞發佈稿翻譯 Press releases
市場及交易報告翻譯 Market and Trade reports
文宣手冊,新聞稿,聯絡信等行銷素材翻譯 Marketing materials such as brochures, press releases, contact letters
演講的文稿撰寫及預演翻譯 Speech writing and preparation
研究翻譯 Research
網站內容翻譯 Website content
所有文字出品都能達到貴公司的專門術語需求和期望。All documents are written to match your company's needs and expectations.
保密合約(Confidentiality Agreement )
A translation of marketing and PR material must still deliver the same message and retain the effectiveness of the original Chinese, but it has to do it in English, and targeting a different culture. Only a native translator with specialist experience is equipped to translate a marketing or PR text without any loss of its underlying messages. It is imperative that the translation reads as if it were written in English from the beginning. Marketing and advertising are different from other forms of communication. They rely on wordplay, in-jokes, and a sophisticated knowledge of both Chinese and English to understand the message and translate it accurately.
公司以及產品和市場行銷翻譯服務,請連絡及報價 Contact Midgard for price estimation
Phone: 0912067240
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