🔸 一個英國出生的翻譯師直接中翻英,而不是兩個人,以避免溝通錯誤。專業學術期刊論文翻譯及自傳中翻英翻譯服務。 Direct Chinese to English translation by one native English speaker, not two separate people, to avoid communication errors. Professional thesis and personal statement translation service.
🔸 僅提供中翻英翻譯服務。透過專注於中翻英,我能提供該領域最佳品質的服務。I deal only in Chinese to English translation; by focusing on this area, I can offer the highest quality service.
Chinese to English Translation
每一篇中文翻英文自傳翻譯最基本的費用為新台幣 900 元整。如果超過 360個中文字,以字數計算。如果超過 360個中文字,以字數計算。A minimum charge of 900 NT$ applies to any autobiography/personal statement translation.
The cover letter is vital to your resume. This is why it is the first page and not an addition. “Please find enclosed my resume” won’t get you very far.
英文求職信一般來說包括 1.你得知這份工作的管道。2.學歷及職歷的概要。3.你的個性以及能力。4.聯絡地點、聯絡方式,以及最後的感謝語等,但其實這裡可以發揮創意的空間非常的大。英文求職信的訴求在於延續履歷表的內容,更清楚的表現工作企圖心、個性、特質等。另外,有時寫些自己平時喜歡從事的活動來補充履歷也很不錯。
期刊論文翻譯 Academic papers
期刊翻譯 Journal papers
文章翻譯 Documents
摘要翻譯 Abstracts
自傳翻譯 Autobiographies/ Personal Statements
履歷表翻譯 Resumes
求職信翻譯 Cover letters
回函翻譯 Response letters
書籍翻譯 Books
會議海報與簡報翻譯 Conference posters and presentations
畢業論文翻譯 Thesis
論文研究論文翻譯 Thesis Research
新聞稿翻譯 Press releases
文宣手冊,新聞稿,聯絡信等行銷素材翻譯 Marketing materials such as brochures, press releases, contact letters
網站內容翻譯 Website content
Your cover letter demonstrates your writing style better than your resume (which is usually more brief and factual).
The cover letter puts flesh on the bare bones of the resume. It points out to the employer the information showing that you have the qualities the job calls for, and makes a statement about yourself and your suitability for the job. It should give the personal touch that your resume will intrinsically lack.
欲翻譯的文件請以 Word 檔寄送。如果有不需要翻譯的部分,也請事先刪除。
每次專案,皆有基本專案管理費 900 NT$。